Sunday, 2 December 2012

All About The Bike !!

  Well, November has come to an end and went way to fast. I sit here thinking if the months keep going by this fast the race will be here way to soon. I am definitely not ready physically or mentally.  The month of November was spent working with Westpoint Cycles on the bike fit and set up. 
  I had scheduled a bike fit with Westpoints fit expert Andrew. After riding the bike for a few hundred kms I was fairly happy with how the bike was fitting. I had set the bike up to what felt good for me but it is always good to get a quality bike fit especially if you are going to have long days on the bike. The one thing I was definitely wanting to change was the seat as I had a problem on my two day test ride. In a matter of 350 kms the seat was not feeling very good if you know what I mean. Andrew and I discussed the demands of the race and what seat I was use to riding and came up with a road style seat that was much closer to what I normally ride. Once we had the new seat on, I rode on the trainer well Andrew checked the set up. He discussed how the bike was fitting and as it was we didn't have to adjust anything to much. I was happy to hear that everything looked good as an improper fit can cause unnecessary strain on the joints.
  With the fit locked in, it was time to talk to Jacob, one of the mechanics at the shop. The bike was not only ready for it's initial tune up (common after a few hundred kms on a new bike) but also with all the bags mounted we could go over some problems that have come up. First the front bag had worn through the outer casing on the front brake line. This was a bit of a problem as this is a hydraulic line and after only 350 kms of riding, it would never last 4700 kms. Next I was having some issues with the front suspension lock out button as the cable was interfering with the front bag and the button itself was sticking. Jacob came up with some great solutions to the problems and even noticed a couple of things that I had missed. It is always good to have the professionals on your team when dealing with these issues.
  As for November as far as training is going I have been trying to get out as much as possible and doing work in the gym (Strength and Conditioning) on the off days. I rode in the snow one day and also in temp. as low as -4 C on a beautiful sunny day in the Squamish Valley. The snow on the local mountains is starting to squeeze my training area smaller and smaller. I am also still pushing some kms on the road bike as it is easy after work to just jump on and go.  I have to admit I normally have hung the bikes up by this time of year and am getting eager to snow ski. As most of the rides at this time of year on the West coast come with rain and colder temp. I now remember why I do this. My mental strength is going to be tested if I am going to train through the winter this year !!! Good practice for what I'm going to face on the Tour Divide.   

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